Early morning thoughts.
I decided to pick up breakfast this morning, because OKC has not disappointed me yet on the food front. I chose Stitch because they offered Espresso Rubbed Bacon and Spiced Fruit. They also sold bags of coffee beans and must have 20 or more options. It's nuts! The breakfast was good. Nothing to write a blog about though.
Anyway, while driving to Stich, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sprawl of it all and just had to do a little researching when I got back to the hotel.
There is a website created and maintained by the Oklahoma City Government. I can only imagine that this was created because government officials (or likely receptionists or assistants) kept getting calls and were tired of answering the question, "Do I live in Oklahoma City?"
That's how sprawling and confusing the town is.
See. They didn't even name it something clever like, "All the cool things inside OKC." They were like, "No. I'm sick of this. Just put up a map and name it something obvious, so people can search their address and know if they're in or out."
I don't know if it's this wicky wacky shape that's the problem or if there's just too much space.
Then I asked myself, "Is it just me, or is OKC just too big for it's population?"
According to this website, 26 Manhattans can fit in OKC. One Manhattan currently has 1.6 million people. And not to do math or anything, but OKC has a population of around 650,000 (and could technically fit 41.6M angry and confused New Yorkers. Or a bunch of angry and confused folks from Philadelphia, Boston, Washington DC, Pittsburgh, Manhattan, San Francisco and Miami - see below)
The Oklahoma City Thunder are the STATE'S only major league sports team. (Basketball. NBA.) Do you know how many baseball stadiums could fit in Oklahoma City alone?! Well, more than I can do the math for, but it would be the PERFECT place for baseball. Build it and they will come, People! I mean, they probably won't because they won't even know if they're in Oklahoma City.
A baseball stadium on average holds 60,000 people. You would need 1/10 of all the OKC to want to go to each day - 26 Manhattan's away. Love, Dad